APAL’s President Mrs. Maya Ranavare met Dr. Buhe District Leprosy Officer of Nasik (DLO)

On 23rd November 2022, APAL’s President Mrs. Maya Ranavare met Dr. Buhe District Leprosy Officer of Nasik (DLO) at her office in Nasik, Maharashtra and discussed the current situation of persons affected by leprosy and their families residing in the leprosy colonies: also, requested and explained need to work hard and work together for the empowerment of people affected by leprosy and their family members

APAL conducted an online EC Meeting

On 18th November 2022, APAL conducted an online EC Meeting and discussed the future activities of APAL and new projects.

On this meeting, Mrs. Maya Ranavare informed all EC members about the need to express farewell to Dr. Vivek Lal and welcome to Mr. Gaurav Sen as the CEO of SILF

APAL’s President Mrs. Maya’s speech at ILC Conference

On 9th November 2022, APAL’s President Mrs. Maya’s speech

 The 2nd Global Forum of People’s Organizations on Hansen’s Disease was held in Hyderabad, India from November 6 to 8. Around 100 representatives of 20 People’s Organizations from21countriestook part. The theme of the forum was “Strengthening and maximizing the roles and capacities of People’s Organizationsto promote the dignity of persons affected by Hansen’s disease.” There were sessions on Capacity Building, Inclusion, and Partnerships. The forum was organized by Sasakawa Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) Initiative as part of its “Don’t Forget Leprosy”/ “Don’t Forget Hansen’s Disease” campaign launched during the coronavirus pandemic.

The impact of COVID-19 and measures against the disease, such as lockdowns and other restrictions, had a heavy impact on the lives of persons affected by leprosy/Hansen’s disease living in marginalized communities. The pandemic diverted attention from treatment and services for leprosy/Hansen’s disease to other areas. In some countries, the support provided by People’s Organizations, working with partner organizations, was a lifeline.


People’s Organizations recognize capacity building as essential to their sustainability and for them to realize their potential and enjoy their rights.

People’s Organizations recognize the importance of promoting inclusion, both within their organizations and outside.

People’s Organizations recognize that strategic partnerships with diverse stakeholders can be an effective way for the vision of persons affected by leprosy/Hansen’s disease to be put into practice.


People’s Organizations request a political, governmental, and non-governmental commitment to ensuring a minimum standard of living, economic security, and resources including funding and human resources, for capacity building.

People’s Organizations recommend that the inclusion of persons with lived experience of leprosy/Hansen’s disease should be equitable, demonstrated by their participation in consultative processes, strategy formulation, and implementation of strategies and policies that concern them.

People’s Organizations recommend that partnerships, including with the government, are built in a collaborative, respectful, and trusted relationship for working towards their shared goals.

People’s Organizations acknowledge that digital technology is critical for their effective participation in their activities and therefore request that the digital divide be bridged.

People’s Organizations call on governments to provide adequate budgets and human resources so that national leprosy/Hansen’s disease programs can guarantee prevention, comprehensive care, and rehabilitation.

The 2nd Global Forum notes that many of the issues raised in the Conclusions and Recommendations from the 1st Global Forum in Manila in 2019 have yet to be adequately addressed. It urges governments non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders to take all the necessary steps to implement the recommendations coming out from both Global Forums.

APAL’s President Mrs. Maya Ranavare delivered her welcome speech at Global Forum -2

On 6th November 2022, APAL’s President Mrs. Maya Ranavare delivered her welcome speech at Global Forum -2 in Hyderabad

In her speech, she said that the Sasakawa Health Foundation supports us in improving our living standards and making as to address our problems accessing our rights, and can challenging exclusion. APAL is always grateful to the WHO Goodwill Ambassador for leprosy elimination, A worshipful, and Great kind hearted human being respected Sasakawa for his vision and mission. In the terrible COVID-19, the world also panics and thinks about themselves and their families but he only looks at us and saves us. His message to the most experienced in the wipe away our tears also. On behalf of persons affected by leprosy and their families, we never forget his love for us until our last breath.

Sasakawa along with APAL’s team visited Shanthi Nagar Leprosy Colony

On 6th November 2022, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for leprosy elimination Mr. Sasakawa along with APAL’s team visited Shanthi Nagar Leprosy Colony in Hyderabad and interacted with the people affected by leprosy and their families

On this occasion, he motivated all inmates with his loveable speech and said that persons affected by leprosy faced stigma and discrimination, isolation, pain, and insults but it’s not their fault but the fault and misunderstanding of mainstream society.

We can surely change the mindset of society and access our all human rights soon; also he asked children to give promise to study well and said that he will come and see again their development

WHO Goodwill Ambassador for leprosy elimination Mr. Sasakawa along with APAL’s team met Mr. Hemant Soren

On 5th November 2022, On 5th November 2022, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for leprosy elimination Mr. Sasakawa along with APAL’s team met Mr. Hemant Soren, Health Department, and AASHA Workers

On this occasion, he shared his personal experiences on leprosy services and strongly urged for quality treatment for leprosy, disability pensions, education support, special allowances for the better living conditions of people affected by leprosy and their families

WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination and living legend respected Sasakawa along with the APAL team, NLR team, and SILF team met Mr. Gupta Health Minister of Jharkhand

On 4t November 2022, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination and living legend respected Sasakawa along with the APAL team, NLR team, and SILF team met Mr. Gupta Health Minister of Jharkhand

On this visit, discussed the disability pension, education support, the Government Yojna, houses, and land issues, the honourable minister responded positively

APAL’s President Mrs. Maya Ranavare and the Government authorities distributed food grains

On 23rd October 2022, APAL’s President Mrs. Maya Ranavare and the Government authorities distributed food grains or special ration kits to persons affected by leprosy provided by the Government of Maharashtra

At the request of the state committee, the Government of Maharashtra sanctioned and distributed special ration cards and distributed 1 kg Sugar, 1 kg Chana Dal, 1kg Cooking Oil, and 1 kg Ravva

APAL met the Government authorities and invited them to the Global Forum conference

On 22nd October 2022, APAL met the Government authorities and invited them to the Global Forum conference in Hyderabad initiated by Sasakawa Health Foundation on 6th to 9th November 2022

On this approach, APAL got positive approvals from Mr. Kishan Reddy Center Minister of Tourism, Mr. Harish Rao Minister of Health and Medical Family Welfare, and Mr. Eswar Rao Minister of Disabled Welfare, through the efforts of Mr. Prakash Done Treasurer of APAL, and Mr. M. Ramesh President of the state committee Telangana; APAL is thankful to them