APAL had an Online Collaborative Meeting in Delhi, in collaboration with Sasakawa Health Foundation

On 25th August 2023, APAL had an Online Collaborative Meeting in Delhi, in collaboration with Sasakawa Health Foundation. During the meeting, SHF interacted with all executive members of APAL; and had fruitful discussions addressing various topics such as the problems and current situation of the affected, accessibility of rights, collaboration with NGOs, Ideology, knowledge sharing, the right way of approaching to Govt authorities, solution measures, Future plans, Status of the social entitlements, organization development, time management, and more.

APAL is grateful to Dr Takahiro Nanri CEO of SHF, Dr. Ranganatha Rao and Ms. Mao Program Officer of Hansen’s Disease Program for their all kind of support to help people affected by leprosy and their families. APAL is committed to providing welfare, empowerment, health care and social protection services to persons affected by leprosy, and we are thankful to have the support of SHF in our endeavours.

APAL had the opportunity to meet with Mr Rajiv Manjhi, Joint Secretary Leprosy, at the Nirman Bhawan,

On 24th August 2023, APAL had the opportunity to meet with Mr Rajiv Manjhi, Joint Secretary Leprosy, at the Nirman Bhawan, 246-A wing of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in Delhi. Along with the Sasakawa Health Foundation team, we discussed the urgent need to appeal against laws that impact persons affected by leprosy in India.

The discriminative laws have caused many to face segregation from their families and society, as well as stigma and discrimination. Additionally, they have been denied access to education and employment opportunities. It was a productive meeting, and we hope that our efforts will lead to positive change for fellow people affected by leprosy in India.

APAL wanted to express our gratitude to Dr. Takahiro Nanri, CEO of SHF, Dr. Rashmi Shukla from NPO (Leprosy) WHO India, Dr. Ranghanadh Rao, Ms. Mao Hasebe Program Officer, Mrs. Maya Ranavare, President of APAL, and Mr. Prakash Done, Treasurer of APAL. They all participated and contributed to the efforts of APAL.

APAL and its President, Mrs. Maya Ranavare, along with Mr. Prakash, Treasurer of APAL, visited the WHO Regional Office in India, Delhi.

On 24th August 2023, APAL and its President, Mrs. Maya Ranavare, along with Mr. Prakash, Treasurer of APAL, visited the WHO Regional Office in India, Delhi.

During the visit, had the opportunity to interact with Dr. Vivek Lal and his team and discussed the collaboration to work together for the socio-economic empowerment and welfare of persons affected by leprosy and their families. On behalf of the people affected by leprosy, we express our gratitude to Dr Vivek for the positive response, comfortable hospitality, and respect. It was a fruitful visit, and we look forward to working together towards the betterment of the community.

APAL participated in the 2nd Brainstorming meeting towards the National Conference

On 23rd August 2023, APAL participated in the 2nd Brainstorming meeting towards the National Conference on the Abolishment of Discriminatory Laws against People Affected by Hansen’s Disease in India at The Leprosy Mission Trust India office in Delhi.

The meeting was attended by several individuals and organizations, including Mrs. Maya Ranavare, Mr. Prakash Done, Mr. Mohan from APAL, Mr. Arman Ali, and Ms. Niharika Das from DPI India, Mr. Gaurab Sen and Mr. Shubhendra Sachan from S-ILF, Ms. Nikita Sarah and Mr. Subhojit Goswami from TLMI, and Ms. Dhvani Mehta and Ms. Rituparna Padhy from Vidhi Centre. Additionally, Dr. Takahiro Nanri and Ms. Mao Hasebe from SHF also participated in the meeting. The discussions were productive and focused on ways to eliminate discriminatory laws against those affected by Hansen’s Disease in India.

Mrs. Maya Ranavare, the President of APAL, recently participated in a 2-day workshop organized by the Central Leprosy Division

On 10th August 2023, Mrs. Maya Ranavare, the President of APAL, recently participated in a 2-day workshop organized by the Central Leprosy Division (CLD) in coordination with the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP), Central Institute of Psychiatry (CIP) & World Health Organization (WHO), India.

This workshop was held in Pune, Maharashtra on 10-11 August 2023 and aimed to develop training modules for promoting the mental well-being of Leprosy Patients. It’s great to see such initiatives being taken to support those in need.

APAL’s Vice President of Mr. Jawahar Ram Paswan and Shyam Gope, Co-Secretary of District Leprosy Welfare Committee,

On 4th August 2023, APAL’s Vice President of Mr. Jawahar Ram Paswan and Shyam Gope, Co-Secretary of District Leprosy Welfare Committee, Anil Kumbhkar congratulated the newly posted Honorable Deputy Commissioner Mr. Manjunath Bhajantri in East Singhbhum on behalf of all the persons affected by leprosy and also invited him to visit the leprosy ashrams or colonies

We also submitted a request for free education for the children of persons affected by leprosy under the “Right to Education Act”. We are thrilled to report that the Deputy Commissioner has promised to take appropriate action on our request and has committed to visiting the colony soon.

APAL and the state committee in Madhya Pradesh, the Health Department of the Government conducted a POD (Prevention of Disability) camp

4th August 2023, with the efforts of APAL and the state committee in Madhya Pradesh, the Health Department of the Government conducted a POD (Prevention of Disability) camp at Sant Dnyaneshwar Leprosy Seva Samiti Mahesh Yadav Nagar Banganga Indore. They provided ulcer care services to 25 persons affected by leprosy, while also teaching them self-care and related physical exercises.

APAL is grateful to the health department of the Government of Madhya Pradesh for their health care services to people affected by leprosy, and special thanks to the state committee and Mr. Radha Krishna for his contribution to the camp.

APAL and APAL’s state committee in Gujarat contacted Dr. Rajesh HOD Leprosy of Ahmedabad to request a dressing materials kit

4th August 2023, APAL and APAL’s state committee in Gujarat contacted Dr. Rajesh HOD Leprosy of Ahmedabad to request a dressing materials kit for individuals who are affected by leprosy and are struggling with wounds and ulcers at Gandhi Seva Sangh Leprosy Colony. It is important to note that due to the loss of sensation, People Affected by Leprosy are susceptible to developing ulcer wounds on their hands and feet. Daily dressing of these ulcers is necessary to prevent bone infections and possible amputation of legs and fingers.

We were fortunate to have Dr. Rajesh visit our colony and provide us with the necessary dressing kit. Thanks to his kind gesture, we were able to dress all of our leprosy brothers and sisters the very next day with the help of the Lakshminarayan dresser from APAL. This was crucial in stopping the progression of their wounds.

APAL is incredibly thankful for the support and cooperation we received from Dr. Rajesh and his team. Additionally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Vijay Kumar Pasem for his unwavering dedication and contributions to the leprosy community.

APAL and APAL’s President Mrs. Maya Ranavare met with Mr. Laxmi Narayana Manager of CSR Muthoot Finance

On 3rd August 2023, APAL and APAL’s President Mrs. Maya Ranavare met with Mr. Laxmi Narayana Manager of CSR Muthoot Finance at his office in Hyderabad, Telangana

We had productive discussions about future activities and collaborative awareness programs for the socioeconomic empowerment and welfare of people affected by leprosy and their family members.

APAL is thankful to Mr. Laxxmi Narayana for his positive response and assumed responsibility.