News & Events – Association of People Affected by Leprosy

Memorandums submitted to the SLOs overall India

On the date of the 2nd July, 2020 Association of People Affected by Leprosy (APAL) submitted memorandums to all State Leprosy Officers overall India, for their consideration to provide health care services and other social protection services to the people affected by...

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President Mr. Narsappa Leprosy Colony Visit

The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply impacted by the lockdown to the lives of India’s thousands of (760 leprosy Colonies all over India) persons affected by leprosy and irrespective of their disability, gender, caste, age, or economic background; they are suffering from...

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Foodgrains distribution APAL associated with Rising Star

On the date of16th June 2020, Rising Star distributed food grains to people affected by leprosy in Jeevan Jyothi Leprosy Colony at Yadgiri District- Karnataka Introduction: Persons affected with Leprosy are facing difficulty obtaining basic goods, especially food,...

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Trail Version Online Board Members Meeting

The Online meeting conducted in the date of 12th June 2020 from the APAL head office in Hyderabad Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply impacted the lives of persons affected by the disease. In response to this upheaval, the Association of People Affected by...

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