On 3rd May 2023, APAL’s state committee and all the leaders of the leprosy colonies approached and submitted a memorandum to the district collector and urged The decision of the Health Minister dated 07.01.2014 to fill the 359 vacant posts in the state and 184 sanctioned leprosy workers posts by the Government of India should be implemented. 500 posts of dressers should be sanctioned.
As per the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, every leprosy victim should be given a 40% disability certificate, RFT, and measles-free certificate and sent to a pension home.
Activate the national level Hindu Leprosy Association, its Bhubaneswar and Puri Leprosy Asylums with 86 Leprosy Colonies, 4 Leprosy Asylums, 14 Leprosy Asylums.
Free residential school education, training, employment, and accommodation should be provided to children from primary to higher education. Along with this, a loan of Rs 5 lakh should be provided to each family for business at a 50% subsidy without interest.
Leprosy-free children should be reserved for 3% of employment.
2014 Recruitment of candidates who have worked for 15 years for the post of Leprosy Officer in various Leprosy Colonies, working in the National Leprosy Control and Health Department to fill the vacant posts of Health Officers in 2007-11.