APAL had a wonderful visit to Tahirpur Leprosy Colony in Delhi along with the Sasakawa Health Foundation and APAL’s state committee

Aug 26, 2023

On 26th August 2023, APAL had a wonderful visit to Tahirpur Leprosy Colony in Delhi along with the Sasakawa Health Foundation and APAL’s state committee. We had the opportunity to interact with the colony leaders, youth, and beneficiaries of the livelihood and education scholarship program. The support from Sasakawa has made a significant impact on the community, and we were honored to witness the positive changes firsthand. Thank you, the nobleman and WHO Goodwill Ambassador for leprosy elimination Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, for your continued efforts in making a difference in people’s lives.

During the visit, APA L’s team Mrs Maya Ranavare, President, Mr Prakash Done Treasurer, Mr Giridhari Lal State Coordinator, Mr. Vijay Kumar and Mr. Arjunram APAL’s youth had the pleasure of meeting with Dr. Takahiro Nanri, CEO of SHF, and Mao Program Manager of SHF, who joined us to interact with the colony residents. We had a fruitful discussion on various key points, including the tireless advocacy support of Mr. Sasakawa on the empowerment of people affected by leprosy, the history of colony establishment, the current living conditions of the inmates, the status of social entitlements, and healthcare services.

We also took a tour around the colony, observing its infrastructure and gaining insights into the lives of the residents. It was a valuable experience, and we are grateful to SHF for the opportunity to have participated in such an important meeting.

APAL expresses our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Ranganadh Rao for all of the invaluable support and contributions he has provided. His dedication and expertise have been instrumental in our success, and we are truly grateful for his efforts. Thank you, Dr. Rao, for your unwavering support and tireless commitment to our organization. We couldn’t have done it without you!