APAL conducted online training meeting for volunteers of the COVID-19 Awareness Program

Aug 27, 2021

On the date of 27th August 2021, APAL conducted an online training meeting for volunteers of the COVID-19 Awareness Program

After introductions, Mr. Venu Gopal CEO of APAL and Mr. Uday Thakar explained the need and usefulness of the COVID-19 Awareness Program and also explained the activities of APAL in the leprosy colonies.  Also said that In this terrible COVID-19 crisis time the health promotion information is reaching some persons affected by leprosy but others are difficult to reach due to travel restrictions and illiteracy. Persons affected have specific and ongoing leprosy-related healthcare needs. If persons affected can reach health facilities, they face reductions in services, as facilities transition to exclusively treating COVID-19 patients. 

Mr. Venu Gopal urges every volunteer should work with dedication and make sure the program is useful and successful