APAL and volunteer of APAL Ms. Manisha started the COVID-19 awareness program

Oct 25, 2021

On the date of 25th October 2021, APAL and a volunteer of APAL Ms. Manisha started the COVID-19 awareness program at Saraswati Leprosy Colony in Mansour Madhyapradesh.

The chief guests of this program were NMA Mr. Manoj Pandey NMA Mr. Pawan Dalor and AWW Sasikala Beragi Lepra Society.

APL’S state committee members Mrs. Parawati Chouhan, Mr. Rajaram Maivya Sarita Dhundhle, Mr. Gopal Shinde Colony leader Mr. Anup Kumar Malviya.

Special Thanks to Mr. Sarang Gayadhane for his great monitoring of the program