Aims & Objectives – Association of People Affected by Leprosy
Aims & Objectives
- To work for the socio –Economic Empowerment and welfare of persons affected by leprosy and their families and physically disabled persons.
- leprosy-affected people for the Socio-Economic Empowerment and welfare of and their families and persons with disabilities.
- The Objectives of ASSOCIATION OF PEOPLE -AFFECTED BY LEPROSY are to promote respect and dignity in the life of those who have been affected by leprosy and person with disabilities to work in partnership to ensure that they live are warding life with dignity.
- Leprosy-affected people’s association with the Government, Non-Governments
- To provide education to the community about leprosy, general health, and the environment
- Organizations, and International Agencies for uplifting the Social and Economic conditions of people affected by leprosy and persons with disabilities.
- Leprosy affected people’s education to the community about leprosy, general health, and the environment
- To collect information from various sources on the subject of leprosy and persons with disabilities in India and to function as a consulting agency.
- To combat prejudice, discrimination, segregation, rejection, the use of derogatory terminology, and the stigma associated with leprosy through self-support, self-reliance, dignity, and public health awareness programs.
- The Income and Funds of the society be solely utilized towards the objects of the society and no portions of it shall be utilized for payments to members by way of profits, interest, etc.
- The benefits of the society shall be open to all persons irrespective of caste, religion, creed, sex, etc.
- Leprosy-affected people’s association will represent the people affected by leprosy and enable the people in the states to become autonomous and strong in working for the empowerment of people affected by leprosy.