Activities – Association of People Affected by Leprosy
- Baseline Survey of leprosy colonies
- Grass root level programs for colony leaders and people affected by leprosy
- Networking among colonies
- Strengthening of State Leaders & Team of colony members for effective working in the states.
- Women & Youth Empowerment workshops
- Capacity Building Training programs for state leaders, colony members& Youth
- Human rights issues of people affected by leprosy
- Work with the Government, WHO, NGOs”, and National & International agencies for mainstreaming of people
- Working in Collaboration with SILF for the vocational pieces of training, higher education and coaching to school going children of people affected by leprosy
- Awareness of Leprosy, RPWD Act, precautions of COVID-19 and prevention of disabilities
- Working for the UDID cards, social entitlements, aids and appliances, livelihood and land issues of Persons affected by leprosy
- Our main aim is to provide opportunities to people affected by leprosy and their families to live with dignity in the mainstream society