At the request of APAL’s state committee Madhya Pradesh (SKNS), Amaltas Hospital, Dewas started to provide free leprosy treatment

Feb 17, 2023

On 17th February 2023, at the request of APAL’s state committee Madhya Pradesh (SKNS), Amaltas Hospital, Dewas started to provide free leprosy treatment to persons affected by leprosy along with shelter.

Amaltas Group started a hostel for deaf and mute children with special needs

Dr. Sharadchandra Wankhede, Dean of Medical College, State President of Joint Leprosy Prevention Association and as the Chief Guest at the inauguration of this, Mr. Sarang Gayadhane Secretary of APAL, Medical Superintendent of Amaltas Hospital, Dr. Prashant, Doctor of Skin Department have participated.

Amaltas Group provided food and accommodation also along with free medical treatment.

APAL is thankful to Amaltas Group for their valuable and useful services to persons affected by leprosy and persons with disability and special thanks to Mr. Sarang Gayadhane for his active contribution