APAL started the POD program at Swadhar Nagar, Shendapark, Kolhapur, Maharashtra

Oct 30, 2021

On the date of 30th October 2021, APAL started the POD program at Swadhar Nagar, Shendapark, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, and was inaugurated by the chief guest surgeon Dr. Subhash Athale

In this program, senior social worker Mr. Suresh Shipurkar, Dr. Prakash Patil, Mr. Janswath Dakshta, Samiti President Mr. Dipak Devlapurkar, Dr. Palekar, Mr. Raju Sable have participated and explained the importance of prevention and self-care

Special thanks to Mrs. Maya Ranavare Treasurer of APAL for her tireless services to people affected by leprosy and for active monitoring