APAL conducted successfully the interaction online meeting SHF with the APAL’s state leaders of Bihar, Maharashtra, Delhi, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh

Aug 20, 2021

On the date of 20th August 2021, APAL conducted successfully the interaction online meeting SHF with the APAL’s state leaders of Bihar, Maharashtra, Delhi, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh

After the introductions, the state leaders and the state committee members expressed their achieved activities for the past 2 years and further plan of activities in the leprosy fields

  1. Support for Corona tests and vaccination
  2. Dressing materials were distributed to 34 people affected by leprosy
  3. Food grains and masks and sanitisers distributed
  4. Conducted RPWD Act training 

SHF team appreciated APAL and all the state leaders for their tireless efforts by providing services and support to people affected by leprosy to live with dignity in the mainstream society