Conducted awareness program on Precaution of COVID-19 and distributed eggs

Apr 23, 2021

On the date of 22nd July, 2020 APAL conducted an awareness program on Precautions of COVID-19 in Ambedkar Leprosy Colony at Nalgonda district, Telangana

Introduction: In this terrible COVID-19 crisis time the health promotion information is reaching some persons affected by leprosy but others are difficult to reach due to travel restrictions and illiteracy. Persons affected have specific and ongoing leprosy-related healthcare needs. If persons affected can reach health facilities, they face reductions in services, as facilities transition to exclusively treating COVID-19 patients. People affected by leprosy who residing in leprosy colonies struggling for strengthened food because they are surviving only depending on begging, working as daily laborers, or running small shops but they lost all their livelihoods completely.

In response to this upheaval, the Association of People Affected by Leprosy (APAL) conducted an awareness program on PRECAUTION OF COVID-19 and distributed eggs to 110 families of people affected by leprosy in Ambedkar Leprosy Colony at Nalgonda district-Telangana. On the occasion, the president of APAL Mr. Narsappa Vagavathli explained the precaution methods of COVID-19 following

1. Stay at home when you are sick
2. Avoid close contact with people who are sick
3. Wash your hands at least 20 seconds
4. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue
5. Don’t eat raw food; thoroughly cook meat & egg
6. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
7. Clean & disinfect frequently touched object & surfaces
8. Avoid crowded places and traveling etc. Finally, he said that “Increase of Immunity Power ourselves is the best prevention of corona Virus”. with healthy fruits and vegetables which are available.