APAL’s CEO Mr. Venu Gopal and the member of the state committee Madhy Pradesh Mr. Sarang Gaidhane visited Mugispur Leprosy Ashram

On the date of 3rd January 2022, APAL’s CEO Mr. Venu Gopal and the member of the state committee Madhy Pradesh Mr. Sarang Gaidhane visited Mugispur Leprosy Ashram in Sehore Madhya Pradesh and interacted with persons affected by leprosy and their families who residing at that leprosy colony

This visit identified the needs of the people which the borewell has to be cleaned, housing, boundary wall, and livelihood support. Also, distributed medical kits to the colony people

Raju Rathod, and Gopal Shinde from Sahyog Kusht Nivaran Sangh Indore were presented

APAL’s state committee Telangana (SLAP-TS) visited Balaji Nagar Leprosy Colony and Moulali Leprosy Colony

On the date of 2nd January 2022, APAL’s state committee Telangana (SLAP-TS) visited Balaji Nagar Leprosy Colony and Moulali Leprosy Colony and provided services to persons affected by leprosy by applying for UDID (Unique Disability ID) cards

Mr. Prakash Board Member of APAL and working president of SLAP-AP and Mr. Ramesh M President of SLAP-TS visited the colonies; interacted with colony leaders, youth, and all inmates of the colony, and discussed the current situations of the colonies

APAL’s POD dressers Mrs. Jayamane and Mr. Ramesh Nandan providing the utmost needed health care services

On the date of 28th December 2021, APAL’s POD dressers Mrs. Jayamane and Mr. Ramesh Nandan provide the utmost needed health care services by SSOD(Soaking Scrubbing Oiling and Dressing)regularly to persons affected by leprosy who are facing trouble with leprosy related ulcers and wound at Anthony Leprosy Colony, Pune, Maharashtra in the presence of Mrs. Maya Ranavare Treasurer of APA

Due to loss of sensation the People Affected by Leprosy get ulcer wounds in their hands and feet. They require daily dressing of the ulcers to prevent bone infections and amputation of legs and fingers.

APAL’s volunteer Ms. Lalbai providing health care services

On the date of 28th December 2021, APAL’s volunteer Ms. Lalbai provided health care services by health screening tests to people affected by leprosy and their families at Harsh Nager Leprosy Colony, Sendhwa, Madhya Pradesh

In collaboration with SILF, APAL state committee Maharashtra visited leprosy colonies

On the date of 22nd December 2021, In collaboration with SILF, the APAL state committee Maharashtra visited leprosy colonies and interacted with persons affected by leprosy and their families in Kolhapur, Maharashtra

Dr. Viveklal CEO of SILF, Mr. Gaurav Sen Program head of SILF, and Mrs. Maya Ranavare Treasurer of APAL visited the colonies and discussed with Colony Leaders, Youth, and all inmates about women empowerment, livelihood, social entitlements, and education support

In collaboration with LEPRA, APAL state committee Telangana (SLAP-TS) successfully conducted an awareness program on HEALTH

On the date of 20th December 2021, In collaboration with LEPRA, APAL state committee Telangana (SLAP-TS) successfully conducted an awareness program on HEALTH to women self-help groups persons affected by leprosy and their families at Shanthi Nagar Leprosy Colony in Hyderabad, Telangana]

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL conveys gratitude to LEPRA and special thanks to Mr. Ramesh Maniyada President of the state committee Telangana

In collaboration with SILF, APAL state committee Maharashtra visited leprosy colonies

Maharashtra visited leprosy colonies and interacted with persons affected by leprosy and their families at Sangli, Miraj Maharashtra

Dr. Viveklal CEO of SILF, Mr. Gaurav Sen Program head of SILF, and Mrs. Maya Ranavare Treasurer of APAL visited the colonies and discussed with Colony Leaders, Youth, and all inmates about women empowerment, livelihood, social entitlements, and education support

APAL started the Ulcer care unit and organized the POD program at Ganga Kusht Colony, Pandri Raipur in Chhattisgarh

On the date of 17th December 2021, APAL started the Ulcer care unit and organized the POD program at Ganga Kusht Colony, Pandri Raipur in Chhattisgarh in the presence of Mr Ghasiram President of the state committee Chhattisgarh and Mr Bhubaneshwar Sahu appointed as a dresser in that unit

Due to loss of sensation the People Affected by Leprosy get ulcer wounds in their hands and feet. They require daily dressing of the ulcers to prevent bone infections and amputation of legs and fingers.