SW 24 NewsChannel to release a video awareness message on the disease of leprosy from the studio

On the date of 1st February 2022, On the occasion of World Leprosy Day 2022, the theme of “United for Dignity” and “Don’t forget leprosy” APAL’s state committee collaborated with SW 24 NewsChannel to release a video awareness message on the disease of leprosy from the studio

In this Program, DLO Dr. Chandrajith Chawle, Mr. Sarang Gayadhane, Mrs. Anitha and Mr. Rahul Arya have participated and shared their experiences

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL conveys gratitude to all who are contributed to aware people on the disease of leprosy

CEO Met and interacted with Mr. Pankaj Sinha

APAL’s CEO Mr. Venu Gopal and Senior Advisor Mr. Uday Thakar meet and interacted with Mr. Pankaj Sinha who put the PIL in the Supreme Court of India for leprosy eradication in 2018 and discussed discriminatory Laws against persons affected by leprosy; current living conditions of affected people who reside in the self-settled leprosy colonies and also community; status of leprosy related acts implementation by the Government.

Mr. Sinha expressed his willingness positively to support APAL in all spheres for the empowerment of persons affected by leprosy and their families

Submitted a memorandum to Mr. Sushil Kumar Modi Chairman of Parliamentary Standing committee, Government

On the date of 16th February 2022, APAL collaborated with Sakshyam and submitted a memorandum to Mr. Sushil Kumar Modi Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing committee, Government of India and Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad

Former Minister of Law and Justice to repeal Discriminatory Laws against persons affected by leprosy and modify RPWD Act 2016 at Delhi, indeed the amendments are useful and support people affected and people with disabilities to include into the mainstream society and live with dignity without any perplexity

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL conveys gratitude to the great personalities for their positive response by giving assurance and providing comfortable hospitality

Awareness program on the disease of leprosy at Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh

On the date of 15th February 2022, On the occasion of the fortnight of World Leprosy Day 2022, the theme of “Don’t forget leprosy” APAL’s state committee Andhra Pradesh successfully conducted an awareness program on the disease of leprosy at Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh in the monitoring of Mr. Prakash Board Member of APAL and President of the state committee (SLAP-AP)]

On this occasion, Mr. Hanumanth Reddy State General secretary, Mr. Swetha Reddy Corporator, Dr. Deva Sagar DMHO,

Dr. Krishna U H C Superdent, Dr. Manohar Physiotherapy,

Dr. Subramanyam DPMO, Mrs. Divya, Mr. Ananth Raj APAL’s volunteers, Mr. K. Ramakrishna Reddy Vice President(SLAP-TS)

Mr. Ravi Kumar Nayak and ANMs and AASHA workers have participated and made success the program

Awareness program on the disease of leprosy by TV Channel in Madhya Pradesh

On the date of 15th February 2022, On the occasion of fortnight World Leprosy Day 2022, the theme of “United for Dignity” and “Don’t forget leprosy” APAL collaborated with PECSS Madhya Pradesh has given awareness of the disease of leprosy and its consequences of that in the India24 TV channel

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL conveys gratitude to the India24 TV channel and special thanks to Dr. Shalini Sexena and Mr. Sarang Gayadhane for their services to persons affected by leprosy and their families

Awareness program on the disease of leprosy by RALLY at Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh

On the date of 14th February 2022, On the occasion of the fortnight of World Leprosy Day 2022, the theme of “Don’t forget leprosy” APAL’s state committee Andhra Pradesh successfully conducted an awareness program on the disease of leprosy by RALLY at Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh in the monitoring of Mr. Prakash Board Member of APAL and President of the state committee (SLAP-AP)]

In this rally, Panchayithi president Mr. G. Madhan Mohan Reddy.

Sarpanch Mr. A.Govind, State P.H.president Mr. Shafi, D.P.M.:Ms. T.Pushapavathi, Slap-Ap vice-president Mr. Ramakrishna Reddy, Members Mr. Ravi Kumar, Ms. Divya and Mr. Ananth raj and students have participated and made success the program

A press conference on the topic ‘Don’t Forget Leprosy’ was organized

On the date of 10th February 2022, A press conference on the topic ‘Don’t Forget Leprosy’ was organized by the Association of People Affected by Leprosy, India organization under World Leprosy Day from 11:00 am in the auditorium of Arya Samaj Mandir located on the local Jawaharlal Road. The program was presided over by Apal CEO Venugopal. It was conducted by Kamlesh Chandra Lal, Public Relations in Incharge of Apar India. All the speakers, while pledging their sacrifice to build a leprosy-free world, stressed the need to remove the misconceptions spread in the name of leprosy. Also, the law related to leprosy. Emphasized changing the nature of discrimination. Leprosy is not a contagious disease and does not cause disability if treated promptly. While giving the vote of thanks, Minister of Arya Samaj Muzaffarpur Manoj Kumar Chaudhary said that it is very important to take the initiative to bring all the leprosy ashrams built in India into the mainstream of society.

Awareness program on the disease of leprosy at Government ZP High school

On the date of 9th February 2022, On the occasion of the fortnight of World Leprosy Day 2022, the theme of “Don’t forget leprosy” APAL’s state committee Andhra Pradesh successfully conducted an awareness program on the disease of leprosy at Government ZP High school in Pallepalem, Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh in the monitoring of Mr. Prakash Board Member of APAL and President of the state committee (SLAP-AP)

On this occasion Mr. K.Gangadhar Rao AMC chairman of Krishna District, Mr.K.Raju Sarpanch of Pallepalem, Mr.Krishna MPP, Mr.Ramprakash Director of PHC, Mr.Prasad Head Master of ZPHighschool, Mr. TSM Raju Volunteer APAL, Ms.Satyavathi ANM, Mr.Yugandhar Secretary of Sachivalayam, Ms.Nagasanthi DA of Sachivalayam, AASHA workers, Anganwadi workers and 200 students have participated.

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL conveys gratitude to all great personalities who participated in this awareness programme its useful to persons affected by leprosy to live with dignity in mainstream society.

Awareness program on the disease of leprosy by Rally

On the date of 9th February 2022, On the occasion of the fortnight World Leprosy Day 2022, the theme of “Don’t forget leprosy” APAL’s state committee Andhra Pradesh successfully conducted an awareness program on the disease of leprosy by Rally at Government ZP High school in Pallepalem, Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh in the monitoring of Mr. Prakash Board Member of APAL and President of the state committee (SLAP-AP)

On this occasion Mr. K.Gangadhar Rao AMC chairman of Krishna District, Mr.K.Raju Sarpanch of Pallepalem, Mr.Krishna MPP, Mr.Ramprakash Director of PHC, Mr.Prasad Head Master of ZPHighschool, Mr. TSM Raju Volunteer APAL, Ms.Satyavathi ANM, Mr.Yugandhar Secretary of Sachivalayam, Ms.Nagasanthi DA of Sachivalayam, AASHA workers, Anganwadi workers and 200 students have participated.

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL conveys gratitude to all great personalities who participated in this awareness programme its useful to persons affected by leprosy to live with dignity in mainstream society.

Awareness on leprosy on World Leprosy Day by Quiz Competition

On the date of 7th February 2022, On the occasion of fortnight World Leprosy Day 2022, the theme of “United for Dignity” and “Don’t forget leprosy” APAL’s state committee collaborated with PECSS successfully conducted awareness of the disease of leprosy by Quiz competition and explained by Doctors and teachers at Government PG girls college of Bheelpura Panchayat, Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh and distributed prizes to competition winners

Special thanks to Dr. Shalini Saxena for her great services to persons affected by leprosy and also, to society