At the request of APAL’s state committee Bihar, The health department of Bihar provided ulcer care medical materials by the Civil hospital

On the date of 9th May 2022, At the request of APAL’s state committee Bihar, The health department of Bihar provided ulcer care medical materials by the Civil hospital, Mothihari to persons affected by leprosy who face trouble with leprosy-related ulcers or wounds living in ACMO, Mothihari

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL conveys gratitude to the health department of Bihar and special thanks to the state committee, Mr. Ravi Yadav dresser and Mr. Ajay Kumar Mahto

At the request of the APAL’s state committee Odisha, The Government of Odisha constructed and provided houses, Hospitals, toilets and Separate houses facility

On the date of 26th May 2022, At the request of the APAL’s state committee Odisha, The Government of Odisha constructed and provided houses, Hospitals, toilets and Separate houses facility at Luis Leprosy Colony in Baleswar, Odisha

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL thankful to the Government of Odisha and special thanks to Mr. Umesh Naik President of the state committee Odisha for his great achievements

APAL’s state committee Madhya Pradesh, Mr. Bharat Rawat submitted a memorandum to Dhar district Collector

On the date of 6th May 2022. APAL’s state committee Madhya Pradesh, Mr. Bharat Rawat submitted a memorandum to Dhar district Collector Mr. Shreekaant Banot at his office for the house pattas of 23 persons affected by leprosy living in Rajabhoj Kusht Colony and 22 of Anand Nagar Leprosy Colony

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL is thankful to Dhar district Collector Mr. Shreekaant Banot for his positive response on the issue and the friendly hospitality and special thanks to Mr. Bharat Rawat for his active contribution to submitting the memorandum

Government of AP sanctioned and Inaugurated 33.80 lacks worthy CC Roads at Krupa Leprosy Colony in Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh

On the date of 5th May 2022, At the request of APAL state committee Andhra Pradesh and Mr. Prakash Done Board Member and President of the state committee Andhra Pradesh (SLAP-AP), the Government of AP sanctioned and Inaugurated 33.80 lacks worthy CC Roads at Krupa Leprosy Colony in Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL is thankful to the Government of Andhra Pradesh and special thanks to Mr. Prakash and his team for their active contribution in the leprosy fields

At the request of the state committee Bihar (SAMUTHAN), the local PHC conducted a free health camp

On the date of 4th May 2022, At the request of the state committee Bihar (SAMUTHAN), the local PHC conducted a free health camp and provided all types of health care services to persons affected by leprosy and their family members at Motipur, Bihar

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL conveys gratitu8de to the local PHC for their great and useful services and special thanks to Mr. Someswar Dubey for his active contribution in the leprosy fields

At the request of APAL’s state committee regarding the pension grievance

On the date of 21st April 2022, At the request of APAL’s state committee regarding the pension grievance, Ms. Neha Kumari ADDS visited Rahamganj Leprosy Colony at Darbhanga in Bihar and enquire about the status of the social department pension of persons affected by leprosy

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL is thankful to respected madam Ms. Neha Kumari for her responsibility to the leprosy community

In collaboration with the Government of Gujarat, APAL’s state committee Gujarat distributed Dustbins

On the date of 20th April 2022, In collaboration with the Government of Gujarat, APAL’s state committee Gujarat distributed Dustbins for the cleanliness of the leprosy colony by AMC at Gandhi leprosy Sewa Sangh, Amraiwadi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL is thankful to the Government of Gujarat and special thanks to Mr. Vijay Kumar for his active contribution in the leprosy fields

APAL’s state committee Bihar requested the Government to help Mr. Amul Haq

On 6th April 2022, APAL’s state committee Bihar requested the Government to help Mr. Amul Haq because Mr. Amul Haq’s house caught fire on 26/3/2022 in Ghorasahan Leprosy Colony, Bihar

and all his belongings in his house were burnt to ashes.

For this relief, the Government support of Rs 9800 was given by Ghorasahan Circle Officer

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL is thankful to the Government of Bihar for the responsibility to us

APAL’s state committee Jharkhand conducted a meeting in Kalirekha Maternal Leprosy Colony

On April 6, 2022, APAL’s state committee Jharkhand conducted a meeting in Kalirekha Maternal Leprosy Colony, Deoghar. and discussed the skills, livelihood, scholarship, and the Prime Minister’s housing scheme.

Residents attended the meeting, livelihood, scholarship, skill development, and the discussion took place, along with information regarding UDID card was also given. Mr. Zainuddin President of the state committee Jharkhand and Mr. Jawahar Ram Paswan Board Member of APAL have contributed

Andhra Pradesh (SLAP-AP) conducted a meeting and registered as society

On the date of 6th April 2022, Under the program strengthening the leprosy colonies or people living at the grassroots level APAL’s state committee, Andhra Pradesh (SLAP-AP) conducted a meeting and registered as society at the Leprosy colony in Anantapuram, Andhra Pradesh

The society formation is useful to persons affected by leprosy and their families to protect themselves from the land issues and better ways to approach the Government for their needs and social entitlements

Special thanks to Mr. Prakash President of the state committee and his team for the active contribution to the leprosy fields