APAL’s CEO Mr. Venu Gopal, and Mr Prakash Done, Treasurer of APAL met Mr Laxmi Narayan, Manager ( CSR ), Muthoot Co. Ltd. at his office

Aug 7, 2022

On 7th August 2022, APAL’s CEO Mr. Venu Gopal, and Mr Prakash Done, Treasurer of APAL met Mr Laxmi Narayan, Manager ( CSR ), Muthoot Co. Ltd. at his office, Hyderabad. Had discussions on Health, Education etc. programs for the welfare of persons affected by leprosy and their families residing in the leprosy colonies; Mr Narayan assured us to consider and asked us to submit the needs.

On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL is thankful to Mr. Laxmi Narayan for his prompt response and responsibility to the leprosy community and special thanks to Mr. Prakash Done Treasurer of APAL for his tireless efforts for the welfare of persons affected by leprosy and their families