On the date of 28th May 2022, With the effort of APAL’s state committee Andhra Pradesh (SLAP-AP) for 8 months, The Government sanctioned and allotted 10 acres of land total of 23 acres to Bunny Nagar Leprosy Colony in Guntur.
13 years back the Government has given 23 acres of land to the persons affected by leprosy who reside in the leprosy colony but have not been allotted or shown the particular place; after submitting the memorandum to the human rights commission, they allotted 10 acres and needs to provide remains 13 acres. APAL’s state committee continuously fights with the Government for the land rights of people affected by leprosy
On behalf of persons affected by leprosy, APAL is thankful to the Government for the allotted 10 acres and special thanks to Mr. Prakash President of the state committee and Mrs. Mounika volunteer of APAL and the state committee for their useful contribution in the leprosy fields